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Boston 1880 – Single Sheet Version


This large, highly detailed bird’s-eye view is one of the most elaborate nineteenth century American lithographs. The view is to the west with the harbor, docks, and warehouses of the waterfront in the foreground. In the center Bulfinch’s noble State House faces Boston Common. Nearby are Old South Church, King’s Chapel, and the City Hall. Other parts of the view include the broad sweep of the Charles River, Harvard University, Charlestown, the recently reclaimed Back Bay, and the nearly completed Commonwealth Avenue development. A legend at the bottom identifies twenty-seven numbered places on the view. Our reproduction is from a mint impression in the Library of Congress. The original is also available from Historic Urban Plans and is printed on three sheets; this single-sheet version is about three-fifths the original size.

Size: 19 1/4 x 33 1/2 inches. Black & White, Text-Weight paper

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